News and other information

Classical Guitar Recital

23rd August St Blane’s Church

 Ayman Jarjour, the renowned classical guitarist is to give a recital in aid of Forth Valley Welcome, a local charity that helps refugees settle in this part of Scotland.

When: 7:30 - 9pm

Where: St Blane’s Church, High Street Dunblane

Entry is by donation; all funds raised will go to Forth Valley Welcome.

There will be refreshments after the recital.

Booking can be made via Facebook

(1) Ayman Jarjour Performance | Facebook

Socks for Grannies Appeal

Socks for Grannies AppealIf you can help, please leave your donation in the basket in the Mitchell Room as you enter the church. Thanks so much.

So far 87 pairs of cosy socks have been collected to be sent out to Dnipro! Thanks to all who have donated. We will continue to collect socks for a few months yet as even in summer their warmth is much appreciated by the elderly in Dnipro.